Friday, July 29, 2011

Without Wood

“My mother once told me why I was so confused all the time. She said I was without wood. Born without wood so that I listened to too many people.” This saying, “without wood,” is an example of a maxim. By saying Rose is without wood, her mother is telling her she listens to the opinions of everyone and ends up confusing herself. She is also telling her this so she can change her habit and help herself to be able to make decisions without confusion.
“I used to believe everything my mother said, even when I didn’t know what she meant.” When she was small, in her naïveté Rose believed everything her mother said without question. She also took everything to be literal. If her mother was exaggerating, Rose would believe the exaggeration.
Children in general are like this. They believe everything their parents tell them and think that their parents are all-knowing. I myself was like that when I was little. My parents and I were at the beach and I asked my dad how many grains of sand were in the ocean. He told me he didn’t know and I thought he knew but didn’t want to tell me so I was angry and started yelling at him. Although this example is not exactly the same as Rose’s circumstances, it too shows how naïve children can be.

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